The importance of the Return of Light Activation Meditation and introduction of COBRA
This time, world simultaneous meditation especially important was planned.
The information was written for the people who don't have background information about COBRA and meditation.
Blogger coming into action to reform the global society ruled by the dark forces. The Blog was established in 2012, true history in the earth and the universe and the latest situation of the Earth are being written. The readers of the Blog are more than hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.
Blog of COBRA
About the state of the earth
Through a internet and the mass media, many people already knows that there are hidden secret exists in this society. And many people notice the man of power ruling the earth.
The truth is that the earth exists as a stage of a space scale war.
Many of people who have authority on the earth are agent negative E.T. or positive E.T. and the large-scale war and trouble which occur at the earth are proxy war of those Aliens. The earth is a battle stage of Dark Forces and Light Forces.
Light Forces are active to remove all Dark Forces from the earth, and to produce fair, free, peaceful and abundant society. The formal site of the Light Forces is Blog of COBRA.
If you want to know detailed information about the Plans of
light forces, refer to the link.
Plans of the light forces
Light Forces and Dark Forces
Light Forces
-Galactic Federation: The union of positive civilizations within this Galaxy, such as Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians.
-Ashtar Command: Section of the Galactic Federation with the primary purpose of liberating planet Earth from dark forces.
-Resistance Movement and Agartha network: The forces fighting against dark forces at the underground of the earth.
-Light forces in the surface of the earth: Positive Military, Templars, Positive Dragon Group, Cooperator of Light Forces all over the world (private citizen).
Dark Forces
-Chimera group: The forces doing the earth in the isolation state by bombs stronger than a nuclear bomb.
-Archons: The forces has brainwashed human to use religion
from antiquity.
-Reptilian and Draconian: Negative Aliens with the reptile type. There are a lot of ones transmigrating to a human body, too.
-Forces of dark banker, politician and entrepreneur: Cabal, Illuminati, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bush etc.
If you want to know detailed information about light forces and dark forces, refer to the link.
Light versus dark forces
The effect of the world group meditation
-There is a research result which could make the crime rate fall realistically by many people's meditating with the same consciousness.
-Using the energy of the special astronomical event like a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse, group meditation was being planned many times by light forces.
-When participants of meditation gathered sufficiently, there were strong positive influences on the situation of the earth and the universe.
-144,000 people are the critical number (critical mass) which can have a strong influence on the earth. Influential target of light forces are more than 144,000 people in this meditation all over the world.
The meditation place is free!
-Please meditate at the respective places.
-January 21th at 5:11 am UTC is the starting of our meditation.
-You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:
-Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.
-Please practice several times beforehand. It becomes easy to meditate on the day!
-The posture of your meditation is free.
-While you're meditating, please close an eye and concentrate.
-Please follow meditation directions! When If you don't follow the directions, the effect of the meditation will disappear.
This meditation is important in particular! Please MAKE THIS VIRAL seriously!
-RETURN OF LIGHT ACTIVATION is the important meditation in particular.
-When more than 144,000 people participate in this meditation, It will turn the global future and the human history permanent!
-This meditation would cause the most wonderful affair in the history of human! Please participate by all means!
-The person who understood the importance of this meditation, please inform your friend! And please spread this information far and wide to use facebook, twitter, blog, other SNS!
This is NOT science fiction!
-Several people have been killed already around COBRA, and even the partner's female of COBRA has been killed.
-Many persons who cooperate in light forces all over the world are injured or has been killed.
-The dark forces which doesn't wish for reformation of global society did these attack and interference.
-COBRA and the person concerned him kept disclosing true information desperately. And they were coming into action all over the world!
-Darkness and vice are the nonsense existence which has no importance of existence which occurred accidentally at the universe.
-Light forces Aliens are always active to cancel anomaly of the universe.
-Light forces Aliens can't start large-scale action for human liberation of the Earth. Because dark forces have the dangerous bombs(plasmatoplet bombs) which can completely destroy the earth.
-Light forces were coming into action for human liberation from Atlantis age of 26000 years ago.
-Now is the time of the last chance to liberate planet Earth from the grip of the dark forces!
Please inform your friend! And please spread this
information far and wide to use facebook, twitter, blog, other SNS!
Victory of the Light!!